
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Racing Aces Getting Set for 2011 Air Race Classic

And read about the pilots at:

The Racing Aces are proudly racing the 2011 Air Race Classic for the nonprofit Girls With Wings, Inc [A 501(c)(3) public charity]. As female pilots, we are well aware of the obstacles that each of us has had to overcome and we are all working to encourage more girls with what has come to be a passion of ours: aviation! According to the Federal Aviation Administration, females comprise a mere six percent of all pilots, a percentage that has not increased in nearly a century of licensing pilots. This troubling statistic is one that we are going to personally combat during this race as we promote the Girls With Wings organization to the general public along our race route.

Girls With Wings founder, Lynda Meeks is in urgent need of funding to make dreams take flight and we could not be more proud to help. Single handedly, Lynda has been staying “in the air” with speaking engagements, community outreach and making her message that “Girls need Flight Plans, not Fairy Tales!”™ available to any young girl with an eye on the sky. Along with the volunteer female pilots she has trained to do her interactive presentation to girls groups, she has added a network of avid aviatrixes that are working to make sure the public is aware there are plenty of opportunities for girls in aviation. Take a moment and look at what she has accomplished on her site:

As you follow along with our journey in this Women’s historic race, once known as the Powder Puff Derby, think of what it would mean to one child if you could promote women in aviation as role models to inspire her to reach her full potential. We have set up a donation site that can take your contribution, which may be tax exempt, and help Girls With Wings take flight to a higher level. Feel free to pay securely with PayPal in a single payment or do a per nautical mile in the race. Each mile we cover brings us closer to bringing the dream to many girls.

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